What I learned from Ali Levine
December 14, 2019

What I learned from Ali Levine

I met Ali in a Facebook group for publicists. She has helped me in the past. I had employed her services as an Influencer. We had spoken a few times over the phone as well. I knew Ali as the original Ali, the Influencer. I noticed her absence after giving birth and was sure that she was just busy being a mother. Then, she was back and with a different tone completely.

We stayed in touch, and I learned from her difficulty. I asked her if she would talk about the process in order to help others, something she was already doing on her page. She immediately agreed!

Lessons from Ali Levine

  1. You don’t make harsh decisions during the storm. When you are in the midst of chaos, it is not the time to make drastic changes. You need to focus on learning how to deal with the situation, but you don’t need to resolve all the problems of your life or make life altering choices like finding a new job. With patience, time, and a lot of love, you will swim to shore. Once there, you will figure out the right path.
  1. Making Adjustments. Sometimes, changes don’t have to be radical 360s. They can be adjustments to an already fulfilling life. Ali loved being an Influencer, and she did not need to reinvent the wheel find a new career. She only needed to adjust her path to fit her freshly discovered self. She knew that by being authentic and unfiltered, she would not ruin her passion. She might lose some followers, but she would gain better ones—the type she really wanted. She is empowered by her true self. She knew the knowledge that she acquired could be used with her existing career with even more pleasure than before.
  1. We have a soul voice. I noticed something unbelievable. Ali’s physical voice had changed. She sounded more authentic. She sounded so wise, as opposed to sounding, in a way, superficial before. I mentioned that to her, and she said that many others had noticed that. I told her that I felt that I could hear her soul voice. This just came out of me. I guess it came from my soul. In this moment, I discovered that when you do what you are supposed to, it really even affects your very voice! The fascinating part is that I had noticed a vocal change in me after I started doing the Kintsugi work. Others had mentioned that to me as well. I thought it was age, but maybe it is just my soul voice coming through. 

Ali meditates regularly and through that she is able to center herself and find peace. She grew up with religion in her life, but she grew distant from that and after losing her dear grandmother, with whom she was so close. Ali felt detached from God, downright angry. Today, she is a lot more spiritual. She doesn’t feel the need to practice rituals, but she has never felt this connected to God, angels, and what is to come.

Ali is Kintsugi and so are you! If you have a triumph story to share please contact me: sales@mikahfashion.com

To follow Ali on Social Media: @alilevinedesign

If you feel very depressed and anxious after birth or any time, do not suffer alone. Reach out for help!

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