Country Girl to Corporate Leader to Life Changing Accident
It was like an electrical current went through my body. It was a feeling I can’t describe. Something changed in me in that instant. I wasn’t scared at all, instead I felt amazing! From that moment, I changed and I instantly said to myself, “Sharon, believe you're the fastest, you're the fittest, you're the strongest...

Learning from Amy
A person who has so many downs could have a tendency to be careful, less adventurous, and ungrateful for the progress. Amy showed me how she feels completely strong and protected. She understands fully that downs may come, as most people have to go through various disappointments in life, but she is fully aware that her resilience arsenal is full of weapons that she knows how to use.

Childhood Chronic Pain
"I knew I loved my husband so much. I was torn between the pain I felt and being a burden to my husband. There was something still keeping me here. So, I asked for help. I went into psychiatric hospitals, twice in one year, where I was sedated with medications to the point that I could not feel any emotion. However, the medications kept me alive for as long as I needed to find other treatments."

Learning from April's Kintsugi Story
"April sees people with completely different eyes, especially now that she understands how God loves us all independently of who we are and our choices. She loved her kids fully, and she learned from raising them that the most important and difficult part is communication."

Chosen One
My parents raised me with one main message: there was nothing I couldn’t do. If I wanted to try Karate, and I did because my brother was learning Karate, I did it. I would just need to learn how.

What People Take for Granted
My parents knew they were expecting twins. After an ultrasound, the doctors told them there was something wrong with twin A. They would only know more after birth. After all, this was over 24 years ago and technology wasn't what it is today.
I was twin A.

Loss of Limb Not of Compassion
We all suffer loss of some kind. There is loss of health, loss of the dead, and loss of the living: loss of limb, loss of friendship or loss of a spouse. We should try to honor and celebrate the things we have and have not lost.

A Perfect Summer Day's Tragedy
At the very same time I was riding home, a young man of only 18 years of age, was driving a truck. This was his summer job. He did not see me. I did not see him. In an instant, our lives were completely altered.