Lessons Learned from Loretta
April 04, 2020

Lessons Learned from Loretta

I was reading Loretta’s blogs about her relationship with her then boyfriend, and I was hooked. I was rooting for this love story to work out and was relieved when it did. Loretta and I are members of the Forever Fierce group led by our common friend, Catherine. Catherine is one of our Kintsugi ladies herself. I was always intrigued by Loretta and was so happy when she reached out to share her resilience story with us.

My “Take-Aways”

  1. Personal Responsibility: Loretta takes personal responsibility to a higher level. She put her story out there; she recognized mistakes she made and she was willing to work on herself to grow and expand. This is so admirable. As I hung up the call with her, I immediately purchased the book "The Four Agreements," which just arrived as I write this blog post. I hope to share more with you when I understand what it is all about.

  2. Never Lose Hope: Loretta was at an age that many women think maybe is too late for love. They focus on their kids, careers, travel or whatever suits their fancy, but they count love out. Not Loretta, despite this had been an area of hardship and pain, she knew she deserved love. She knew what real love looked like from her parents and was ready to work again. I was inspired by her tenacity, but more than anything, by the belief and love she has for herself.

  3. In Search of the Truth: Today, the truth is a hard to find commodity. Everywhere we go, there are lies. Instagram posts are lies, make-up is a lie, hair dye is a lie, diets are lies: the truth is hard to find. Today, lines are so blurred that is hard to even understand what the truth actually is. I think that so much of Loretta’s trajectories were really coping mechanisms for trauma. We do indeed justify the lies we tell ourselves on a regular basis, and I was inspired by her maturity to really spend the time to assess these stories and start telling herself the truth. Her methodology was very much in the open, which I hope people will use to inspire themselves and refocus their own lives.

  4. Time-Out: Loretta took time-out, a year and a half of self-discovery. Time-outs are hard. They involve patience, devotion, commitment, and Loretta had it all. I can’t even think about putting myself in time-out for days, and I am in awe of her commitment to herself, to self-discovery and self-improvement. I think this is the biggest lesson for me, and it almost makes me feel bad that I had never given myself this kind of time and patience. 

I hope you are inspired and empowered by Loretta’s story. I hope you join me in following her and her commitment to the truth. Please share with us the lessons you found in Loretta’s story and how you think you can implement in your life in order to set the truth free.

To connect with Loretta please check her blog at:


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