In adversity, I found my purpose.
September 12, 2020

In adversity, I found my purpose.

One issue on top of another did a number on my personal health. When I was only 12 years old, I found my baby sister dead. She had passed away from SIDS when she was two-months-old. While I was still 12 years old, I fell off of a lifeguard ladder and had a terrible traumatic brain injury. The next significant adversity I faced was when I was 25 years old. I was in a car accident, and I went through the car windshield. I had to relearn how to read and walk again. In 1996, I was diagnosed with breast cancer; I am a breast cancer survivor.

As if this was not enough, I lost my only son, my only child, when he was two-months-old, also from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. This loss brought back the post-traumatic stress that I had from losing my sister and being the one who found her at an early age. 

My name is Michelle Perry and this is my Kintsugi story.

At that time, I was married and living with my husband in Lake Tahoe. I helped raise his four children. One day, I came home. All the cars were gone. The boats were gone. The motor homes were gone. 

The following day, I went to the bank.  I came to understood he had cleaned out the bank accounts. My husband, now ex-husband, was in trouble with the IRS. I had no idea. He took it all and left. I didn't think we had a problem in our relationship, so I was in total shock. 

Holding onto Anger

In 2007, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and MS. I attributed these conditions to that anger I was harboring in my heart.  I spent a year in bed. I couldn't move; I was so weak, and I was in so much pain. I was on a lot of medication, but I was not getting better. My body was attacking itself because I was allergic to the MS drugs. I was so careful, following all the MS practices for five years.

I was doing everything I thought I was supposed to be doing. I ended up getting a virus, which was pretty much a brain-eating Amoeba. I quickly came off all of the MS drugs. I was trying to heal myself naturally. I was doing okay, but my symptoms weren't improving. Before stopping the pills, I always felt like I had the flu. These medications are a mild form of chemotherapy, and I always felt sick.

But my troubles didn't end there.

In 2013, I went for a hernia surgery caused by my bulimia, from which I had recovered. A week after the surgery, I blew an embolism in my stomach. I was at a hotel with my girlfriends. We had massages and facials, and I ended up going back to my hotel room because I was in so much pain.

I called the front desk. Several months later, I woke up in the ICU and found out that I died a couple of times. I have had more operations than one could believe it is possible to repair all the damage.

Healing Myself through Nutrition

Two years ago, a friend introduced me to a product that helped my body go into remission. It was the start of my wellness journey. I had a stem cell transplant done with my stem cells and other treatments that were more holistic. This began a new journey for me. 

I had a lot of genetic deficits relating to cancer, autoimmune disease, and heart disease. I did a lot of work with nutrition, and today my doctor is in shock by the improvement I have had with my health. At this time, I am in remission from chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, MS, and fibromyalgia. I received a second chance at life.

Turning Point

I believe that God has used me to help others. I've always run support groups, and I work in healthcare. I support families navigating difficult situations in healthcare, and I have been very involved in raising money for breast cancer. I believe that we are not our diseases, and our disease should not define us. I have never let my illnesses define me. I have always looked to these adversities as a gift from God because I have been blessed with an amazing life despite it all.

Once I forgave all the people who hurt me, my life became so much better. I learned to love people where they're at in their journey. I have survived a lot. In 2013, I spent nine months in the ICU, six months in the nursing home, and five years in home health.

I had to learn how to walk again. I had to learn so many things. So now, the joy I feel that I have my health back is extraordinary. I work out every day; I walk five miles a day. I play tennis, hike, and I love life. Now, I'm getting to help others. I have never given up.

The biggest thing that I saw that changed my life was to let go of all the anger I was storing in my body from people who hurt me.  When I forgave them, it was like the skies opened up. It was like freedom. The biggest thing I enjoy today is helping other people heal, assisting people in living longer and getting people to understand I know them because I have recovered from what they are currently suffering.

Many people in my town know my story. I had a lot of people praying for me because I was not supposed to make it. Now, I can help them navigate the complexities of the healthcare system, and I feel like I am giving back. My memory is affected by all the ailments I have suffered, but I still hope to write my story and share it with the masses. 

The Important Questions

Every single day, my most immense joy is waking up and asking God, Who can I serve today? Who can I help? Who can I show that you can get through this? This is where my purpose lies:  assisting people in healing and living longer along with showing people that they can get through anything.

My name is Michelle, and I am Kintsugi. 

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